So the van stunk for three days after the Vomit Debacle. I took Anjali's carseat back out and washed the cover. Sumeet smelled everywhere and couldn't find anything. I deemed that a useless endeaver since he has a poor sense of smell anyway. We were going to dinner Friday night when I stopped Sumeet so I could empty the little car trashcan I have up front.
"You didn't empty that??!!"
"Oh!" I replied "I didn't! Do you think that's where the smell is coming from?"
Of course, HE was the one who cleaned the car. HE didn't empty it either.
Okay, Mike. I know you're loving that one. Stupid doctors and all that.
I talked to Mom today, Mike. I'm not sure if I was on your list of Horrible Children, but apparently I'm off now. I think it's because I give her drugs.
Elicia, if you're reading this, good luck on your move! I'm very excited for you and JC and Peyton. I want to send you a moving package, but I'm going to wait until I ge your new address. You're getting a real dishwasher!! Wow! And all new appliances! Yay!
It is a concern to every car owner to keep its car always clean. But, we can never really avoid incidents that may look our car a mess, or have that smell. To avoid our car being smelly, be sure that all parts like floor mats and carpets are dry at all times. It is also important to check other car parts that might cause like for example the carburator rebuild kit, ac condenser and others. This is to ensure that our car is properly maintained and avoid these nasty smells. It would also help if we use a car cover whenever we park our car at the garage, to protect it from harmful elements and avoid scratches.
First to the comment from blackrocks...bullshit, its not a concern for every car owner to keep its car always is an fng mess but it gets me from point A to point B and back. Its just a car guys!! NOW vomit smell? nasty!
Yes you are on the list. Drugs do not get you off my list. (Bourbon to me just might though!)
I wont call your husband stupid,
for the following reasons...
One. he didnt smell it.
Two. Its your job as the wife to clean crap up! duhhh
three. He drinks bourbon with me!
that is all!
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