So a new patient came into the office the other day sounding like she had a pile of gravel stuck in her throat. She looked 20 years older than her age and could hardly get across the room without suckin' wind.
"I'll be honest with ya, doc." she said. "I do smoke cigarettes."
Hmmmm. Really? And do you think that just might be a mistake?
Later, I'm driving home and the person in the car in front of me is smoking and throws his cigarette out onto the street. What is it about smokers that makes them believe that the world is their ashtray? Are they that lazy that they can't use the ashtray which sits within arms reach in their car?
And one more thing. On the way to work yesterday I saw a lady combing her hair and putting on every bit of her makeup in the car. OK, I see that plenty of times. But then another lady behind me whipped out her deoderant put it on at a stoplight. Now how did she remember to put that in the car, and yet not remember to put it on in the first place?
And if anyone else watches The Amazing Race besides me and Sumeet, please tell me you saw the finale Tuesday night. Loved it. My favorite team won and all is right in the world.
Priya pee-peed in the potty twice the other day. Maybe by accident, but hey, I'm thrilled.
So this lady with the did she manage to put it on without taking off her shirt? Or maybe she did the old under-the-shirt trick. The drawback is that you always get deodorant marks from it. Weird. Of course, convenient, though, if you do forget one morning and you're halfway to wherever and you realize that you hadn't put any on. That happened to me my first year and I just had to buy deodorant from a gas station rather than go all the way back home. Ugh - Lady Speed Stick.
Deoderant? why bother
I'm 5 Months without a butt and it is amazing that I would not put a cig in my ashtray but I had no such concerns for my lungs/hair/clothes. Smokers are a screwed up bunch. Trust me I still am
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