So Anjali was born on July 22nd. She is the spitting image of her dad and so far seems to have his temperament (which is a really really really good thing). She does what I've always heard newborns are supposed to do (eat, sleep and poop). Priya didn't follow those rules at all. We'll see how long this bliss lasts. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. . .
Meanwhile, my mother-in-law will be here for two weeks and has been babysitting, cleaning and cooking every meal. Who could ask for anything more? I'm in a minor state of panic at the thought of her leaving. Who will cook? How will I get to the grocery store? What if both girls need me at the EXACT same time? How do I decide what to do???
Obviously, I'm overreacting. It will all work out just fine. Just as soon as I hire a full time cook.
1 comment:
whos kid are you?
how many bro's and sis's did you grow up with?
Did you ever ride in a vw bug with 5 other kids?
did all that school drain your brain?
heck, not only should you be doing all the cooking cleaning and working, you should be getting ready for number 3!
it easy, heck, yall women got it nice.
just squirt out a kid once a year, and cook meal couple times a day, get a beer for your husband when he gets home. clean kitchen, mow the yard, paint the house, vacume the carpet, do the laundry, ohhh and since womens lib, you should work a 40 hour real job ontop of all this!
(dont tell my wife I said this pleeeeeaaase!!!)
really though, take it easy and dont stress over meals, heck, us men know the number to dominos duhhh!
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